- If you are retired, how did you plan for your transition? Did you do it alone or did you have help? Did you have a lifelone hobby that was screaming to escape, or did you have to find something to fill your time?
- If you are not yet retired, how are you planning for your eventual transition? What resources are you using for assistance? Do you feel like it's working or do you need to try another strategy?
Layoffs are rampant, gas prices are volatile, airlines are cutting flights, and Americans are feeling the economic pinch of a recession. As much as we hate it in this country of big dreams, big cars and Big Macs, we have to find a way to cut back. For many Americans, that means turning the Great American Vacation into a “staycation,” which is the big buzzword of the year, having appeared in articles everywhere from www.CNN.com to Newsweek. But what does a staycation really mean? Newspaper humor columnist and frequent staycationer Matt Wixon shares with readers the definition of a staycation as well as:
- Rules for a successful, satisfying vacation at home or nearby
- Motivation and encouragement for people who can’t afford the big, traditional vacation
- Ways to make the most of time off from work
- Strategies and experiences from more than a dozen staycationers, as well as hundreds of Internet links and specific ideas to help plan a vacation in your hometown.
About the Author
Matt Wixon (Dallas, TX) is a writer and columnist for The Dallas Morning News who has three sons ranging in age from almost six years to almost six months. His parenting duties include piggyback rides, administering timeouts, and explaining to his kids that self-flushing toilets cannot hurt them. Mr. Wixon and his wife of twelve years, Janell, have made most of their vacations staycations since having kids.